Showing posts with label Feminism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feminism. Show all posts

How to Trick a Stripper Into Thinking You Respect Her, so She Will Have Sex With You

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Today I read something bad... really bad. First I was astonished by the stupidity of it, then I felt disgusted (especially after I read the comments people had left), and then finally I felt really angry. 

So, to start at the beginning, I was browsing the web (as ya do) and I came across an article written on a website called ''. Yes. I know what you're thinking. I should have clicked away, there and then, seeing as this site arguably has the douchiest name on the internet. However, I kept reading, as the title of this article really caught my eye:

"How to Have Sex With a Stripper (Without Paying For it) by Alex Matlock"

What follows on from there is literally one of the creepiest pieces of 'journalism' I have ever read. This guy claims he is a Pick Up Artist (or PUA for all those in da know). So basically he schools guys on how to get women, or 'chicks' as he so adorably puts it throughout the article. (Seriously though, I find 'chicks' such a weird term for women. Is he stuck in a Freddie Prinze Jr movie?? Ima start calling guys 'roosters' or something to get a balance).

Anyway I am going to walk you through this abomination of an article. 
So here we go. 

First of all Matlock writes that you have to 'look decent' to have the stripper want to sleep with you... No shit Sherlock. He then claims that because he's 'fit and dresses well [he] didn't get to see what happened if that wasn't the case.' From looking at his picture I'm personally not seeing the fitness or dress sense, but whatevs, you managed to trick the stripper into sleeping with you, so well done you, what do I know??!11!

What follows from here is a web of LIESSS that allow Matlock to ensnare his prey.
 You have to trick the bar staff into telling you who is the youngest and newest stripper, and as Alex so delightfully puts it:

'As soon as you've got that [information], you've got you potential prospect. Now the chase begins.'

I swear this guy thinks he's a freakin sex lion or something.

The creepiest bit comes when he's writing about what to say during conversation with her. I don't think there is a person on earth who could talk about women in a more demeaning way than this guy. He keeps mentioning:
 'strippers are like normal women, thus you need to game them like any other chick'.
Arghhh too many things wrong with this sentence!!
1) Chick (see above)
2) 'Strippers are like normal women'. WTF?? They are women! They have likes and dislikes, they eat at the same restaurants as us, they breathe the same air!!! And, btw, I would really like to know what a 'normal' woman is.
3) 'Game them'.  Ewwww, seriously man? That sounds so creepy.

Matlock then continues to perpetuate the idea that strippers are like some weird animal you have pretend you respect to get them to sleep with you, by writing such gems as:

'Contrary to popular belief, you're probably not going to get the bang that first night. The best thing to do is continue treating her like any other woman.'

She is a human being! Yeah, well done!! So you're right, maybe treating her with respect might get you somewhere?! 

And just for a second can we all commemorate the douche-beauty of Matlock's phrase 'The Bang'. (Which he mentions a total of six times in the article).

Matlock lives for 'The Bang' you guys. It's his life. His love. He lives for the chase. The wind in his hair...
He doesn't give a shit about the actual girl. Tbh from this article it kinda shows that he pretty much has no respect for any women. Women's pussy is the prize to be won. After all, he does entitle it 'The Game'. And to him, it seems, strippers are at the bottom of the (already low) women section of the human hierarchy. They aren't 'normal women', but you have to 'game' them into thinking they are. 

This man freakin spends money, goes on dates, messes with people's emotions, to get them to fuck him. Once. How sad do you literally have to be to do this?
He claims he 'seduced' a stripper as an experiment, in order to write this article. That is low. Really low.

 And the lack of self esteem this guy must have, in order to get himself to do this kind of stuff, must be incredible.

I can't stress enough that I understand that you don't have to reallly like, or wanna be with someone, in order to sleep with them. But to  undermine their confidence and trick them into sleeping with you, is something else. I don't have to love someone to sleep with them, but I still have basic human respect for them!

If you ask a Pick Up Artist why they act like sad, pathetic leeches in order to sleep with girls, their go-to answer is usually that they are doing it to help all the guys that can't talk to girls and who always get turned down. This is complete bullshit. Pretending to admire someones intelligence, pandering to their ego and creating elaborate schemes just to sleep with them, is not a way to get guys to create healthy, happy relationships with girls. It's a way to fuck someone over and feel better about your pathetic self by doing it.  

Scrolling down the comments I also found a lovely comment by a guy called Sean Reed, who wrote:

'Many years ago I had a stripper girlfriend. The key is to flip the script and have to attitude that she is lucky to be with you. Most strippers are f'ed up in the head... Unfortunately, most have an attitude... and are 100% unsuitable for any type of meaningful relationship. Once you understand that it is easy to game them.'

Right so did you get that guys? Flip it so you can mind fuck her, and control her properly. If she's emotionally unstable even better! You'll be able to 'game' her better then!! amirighhtt??!

Tbh I don't really know what I expected from a guy who wrote other articles with titles such as:

How Soon Will She Let You Bang Her?
8 Simple Steps to Bang Chicks While Day Drinking
How to GET Your Girlfriend to have a Threesome (...I wish I were joking. He even capitalised the 'get')


A Guy's Guide to Getting and Keeping a Mistress 

... okay that's it. I'm done. This guy.. wow.

You know what Matlock. You wanna have good sex with someone? Maybe actually try being yourself and treating them with respect. You will experience what amazing sex actually is.
 And funnily enough, it doesn't come with that sick feeling you get in your stomach every time, knowing that they wouldn't be fucking you if they knew what a pathetic person you are to have to scheme and lie to get into that situation in the first place. Just a thought.

Here's the stripper article for all of you interested :)
