Showing posts with label Sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex. Show all posts

Whores, Sluts, and Hoe-Bags: Nudity and Sexuality in Society

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Nudity, for one reason or another, is a problem in today's society. It is an arrestable offence to 'expose yourself' in public, and many would deem an uncovered body 'vulgar' or 'crude'. A woman who decides to expose (or even hint at) certain parts of her anatomy, ie. her breasts, thighs, ass, or even stomach, could expect to be called a range of derogatory names... most of which infer that she mayyyyybeee has sex for money.
I am not going to lie. I have, far too many times, tarred girls with the 'whore' or 'slut' brush, and I promise wholeheartedly that I really try not to anymore. I suppose I was never trying to suggest that it was wrong for these girls to be advocating sex, or even looking like they want sex; I am all for that! It was mostly the hideous fashion faux-pas they made while trying to advocate this sexual liberation they had found. 

I'm going to be a bitch here, but I cannot take this as sexual liberation:  

If I was at a party and I saw someone wearing this I would think 'C'mon, let's be a little more adventurous shall we? Pre-packaged, crappy quality fancy dress outfits have been done a million times before. And, chances are, you are probably going to meet at least 15 other people at the party who have also typed 'sexy fancy dress outfit' into Google, and have turned up in exactly the same (or a skimpier version) of the dress you are wearing. 

Now if I saw a girl come in something like this...:

I would think 'Hey. You. Me. We would be awesome together. Best friends. Now.'

The second picture probably has more nudity in it than the first. However, I would definitely be quicker to think less of the first girl's fashion choices over the second's. The first outfit is pulling the "Oh I just went to Ann Summers and picked the first thing that made my breasts look larger and had the least material on it" look, which is usually matched with the words, "No way am I looking for sex. Nope not me. Sex is bad... wrong... disgusting! In fact I hate sex! OMG look at that girl over there in practically exactly the same costume, except in green, claiming she's Robin Hood. What a slut..". The second outfit, however, is pretty much advocating sex in its most obvious 'slutty' form. This outfit has been well thought out though, and carefully put together. It is also important to note that the wearer would  have to be pretty proud of their sexuality and 'hoe-bag'-ness, to even think of wearing a black leather corselette (a fabric which is often associated with sexy times and bdsm).

Now there is NOTHING wrong with wearing a Red Riding Hood outfit, or any other kind of fancy dress. However, if there are going to be 50,000 other girls wearing exactly the same kind of outfit, then I don't understand why you wouldn't try and make your own original outfit. They can all depict sex; that is not the problem! I have seen a girl wear nothing but tape around her breasts and nether regions to a fetish theme party, and to that I say "hurrah!". She is comfortable with her body, she doesn't give a fuck, and she likes it. Yayy!!

Angelina's rockin' the tapey nips look too

The problem then comes with the argument: are girls unveiling their bodies for their love of sex, or for the approval of men? It is sad to say that many will do it for the approval of a young man. They want men to be sexually aroused by them and, from that, feel as though they have gained some kind of power. However, as men are mean and fickle creatures... :p, they will gladly give the girls the sexual power they desire, but then take it away after the actual deed is done, and the girl's use has been determined. She had power, but only for a short while, and now she has given the goods she promised (in wearing the provocative dress), she is now no longer special and has no further power in any other area of the man's life. After all, although a man may do anything for the promise of sex, he does not want a woman who is desperate for approval, through sex, in his life.

However the woman who wears sex on her sleeve (if that can even be a phrase...), is saying loud and proud that sex is OKAY. She is putting her cards on the table. 

And to think, all of this can be determined by an outfit. The sad truth.
But hey, if you aren't walking around in a white virginal sheet with eye-holes, then yeah sorry, you are probs a massive slut. 
BUT. Who gives a fuck? Love yourself, and love sexuality. 
